- What does the monthly assessment fee cover?
The monthly assessment pays for golf maintenance, general operations, road maintenance, and security. - Do residents and non-residents pay the same amount?
Yes. - How do I become a member of Glade Springs Village POA?
When you purchase a piece of property within Glade Springs Village, you automatically become a member of the Property Owners Association and gain the right to use all of the facilities and amenities, which we offer. - Does the monthly fee include mowing my yard?
No, this is each individual property owner’s responsibility. - If I pay more than one-month assessment at a time, do I get a discount?
No, the assessment is an annual assessment that property owners are allowed to pay monthly so there is no discount. - Is auto-draft available to pay my assessment fee?
We do offer an autodraft program for property owners to pay the assessment fee. You can download the required form from the Documents section, or request one from our office. - Are debit and credit cards accepted to pay my POA fees?
No, at this time we accept only cash, check, money orders or auto-drafts as a means of paying the assessment fees. - If I choose to mail my POA payment, where do I mail it?
You may mail payments to PO Box 90 Daniels, WV 25832. - Who is responsible for the assessment if I sell my property in the middle of the month?
The person who owns the property on the first day of the month is responsible for the entire month assessment. The POA does not prorate assessment fees. - If I own property under a corporate name, or a trust, who has the rights to the facilities?
A corporately owned piece of property can assign the use of the facilities to a person within their corporation. There is a form you can download from our website for this “Assignment of Privileges for Corporations.” These assignments can only be changed on a yearly basis.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
- What is the purpose of the Architectural Control Committee (GSV ACC)?
To give its “best efforts” toward maintaining and enhancing property values in the Village through control of building construction and maintenance of properties, in accordance with the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, Glade Springs Village, WV. To process all applications for construction and to enforce the Covenants and Restrictions and the Rules and Regulations created hereunder. (Certain Common Properties, such as streets, roads and utilities, are under the jurisdiction of the Public Works department) - Where can one find more information about the Covenants and Restrictions, the ACC, Property Owners Association (POA), etc?
All of these documents are available under the Documents section. - How is the ACC structured, and how does it operate?
It is comprised of five (5) committee members, all of which are on a volunteer basis and are appointed by the POA Board of Directors. - Are all of the rules and regulations for building construction contained in the Covenants and Restrictions?
No, the Covenants and Restrictions are general in nature and provide for the ACC to establish more specific rules & regulations. Both documents can be found under the Documents section - What sort of rules does the ACC book contain?
The rules and regulations fall into three broad categories:- Those pertaining to general building and construction policies.
- Those pertaining to day-to-day construction site activities.
- Those related to the behavior of people living or visiting in the Village, as primarily specified in the Rules and Regulations, i.e.; constructing without a permit, use of signs, RV parking, trash cans, etc.
- When does a Property Owner need to get a Permit?
A permit is required when the exterior appearance of the property is to be changed in any manner, such as new construction, remodeling or adding to an existing structure, tree removal, etc. - Owners understand that a permit is required before building a new home on their lot, but what about something like adding a deck or painting the house a new color?
Yes, permits are required for adding-on, painting a house a new color, and other actions that will change the outward appearance. Such items as landscaping, structures, fencing, retaining walls, outbuildings, exterior color changes, additions/remodels, boat docks, swimming pools, etc., must all have a permit. Removal of any trees on your property also requires approval. - Are trampolines and/or swingsets allowed?
You must request for approval first. The location of the structure must be hidden from view of the road, golf courses, and lake. - How does the ACC prepare for and operate its meetings? Are meetings closed?
These are open meetings attended by Property Owners, Contractors, and other interested parties. The ACC staff must receive completed Applications for Permits at least six (6) days prior to the meeting, in order to form a recommendation to present to the other members at the regular meeting. After discussions between members, applying owners, contractors, and other interested parties, a majority vote of the ACC Board at the meeting determines the approval or rejection of the application. If you have something you need to submit for approval, please call the POA office to see when the next meeting date will be. Generally, meetings are the 1st Tuesday of each month.
ACC New Construction (Single Family Homes)
- Who is responsible for obtaining a building permit? The owner, or the builder?
It’s important for an owner to understand that the ultimate responsibility is theirs, and not that of the builder. Through experiencing the process of obtaining the building permit, we feel a new homeowner gains much needed first-hand knowledge, and is therefore more likely to select a builder with needed qualifications. Many complaints or issues heard by the ACC are really the result of an unclear or incomplete agreement between the homeowner and his builder. All builders are required to go through an orientation and become approved by the ACC board. - Is there a minimum size requirement for Glade Springs Village homes?
Yes, technically there is. Each subdivision plat has notes that list a minimum size requirement of “at least” 1600 square feet of living area. Some plats do have a greater square footage requirement. Keep in mind that just because it is listed as a “minimum”, does not mean one of this size would be approved if applied for. The ACC Board will review each application on an individual basis, looking closely to determine if the foundation (footprint) and design is generally in harmony with surrounding structures and terrain. And if it meets with the approval of a majority of the members, then it is approved. - What about colors?
Are there restrictions against certain colors?
Yes. Written guidelines clearly prohibit “bright or fluorescent” colors. Including bright metallic or aluminum color roofing materials. The overall emphasis, as described in Rules and Regulations, has always been in favor of neutral and/or soft tones. As the community grows and committee members change, so do the interpretations of what is an acceptable color. Color chips and samples are a requirement in the approval process and as time passes we are seeing a trend toward needing larger samples to make some determinations. - Do you get inquiries or complaints about some colors, after installation, which were approved by the ACC?
Yes, occasionally. As mentioned earlier, design trends and committee members will change. And with color as such a personal preference, what looks good to some may not to others. When challenged, the committee will typically review how closely the completed home matches the sample that was submitted. If they match, the home may remain as built. If not, they may be required to change the color. - Are building permits ever denied?
Yes. The ACC will reject a few permits each year. Most of the time it is due to incomplete information, non-compliance with established guidelines, or for non-conformity with the neighborhood. We prefer that the homeowner attend the meeting to answer ACC questions or to make alternative decisions if a portion of the application is unacceptable. Without their presence, we sometimes have no choice but to reject. - Can a homeowner make changes to their home during construction?
Yes. However, they must realize that if it changes the exterior of what was originally submitted and approved, they must once again get ACC approval. To avoid the possibility of having to make a costly re-do or pay ACC penalty charges, the owner should bring their proposed changes back into the ACC office before making the change. - How much control does the ACC have over building contractors?
The ACC has limited direct control over the contractors, due to the fact that we have no binding legal responsibility to them, or for them. The ACC regularly and successfully communicates directly with the building contractors. But it should also be recognized that the property owner hires the builder, and it is that owner who has the ultimate responsibility for a contractor’s actions/behavior. - What areas of the job site does the ACC monitor?
There is actually quite a long list but the most common inspections include: portable toilet installation, trash dumpsters or other containers, streets in front of site, noise, silt fence properly installed and maintained, and drainage onto streets or adjoining lots. - Are there any regulations as to the time of day when a contractor can or cannot work?
The accepted working hours in the Village are Monday-Friday, from 7am-7pm and 7am-noon on Saturdays. No Sundays or holidays. Phase I and the Farms working hours are Monday-Friday 7am-7pm. Only inside work on Saturdays. No Sundays or holidays. - What is the required time for new home construction?
There are three timelines for completing the home: Construction must begin within sixty (60) days of approval.- Under 2,500 sq.ft. – 6 months to be under roof, 12 months to complete.
- 2,500-4,000 sq.ft. – 9 months to be under roof, 18 months to complete.
- 4,000+ sq.ft. – 12 months to be under roof, 24 months to complete.
- At completion, is there a requirement for an occupancy permit?
The ACC does require a final inspection. For that inspection, the contractor has to prepare and submit two forms. One form is the Raleigh County Certificate of Occupancy, which is used as proof that the County has inspected the home. The other form is titled “Final Inspection Request” and can be found in the ACC Rules and Regulations booklet. The first form is completed by Raleigh County, and either the contractor or the property owner may submit the second form. Other required paperwork to be submitted before a final inspection is completed includes the “as-built” survey. Once the inspection has been completed by the ACC, and all is in order, the property owner is free to move in.
ACC General Information
- Who is responsible for violations that might be involved in the permitting process?
The homeowner is responsible. - Who is responsible for any fines?
Fines are the responsibility of the homeowner. The homeowner may, of course, pursue collection of the cost of these fines from his contractor, if it is felt that the contractor was the cause of the fines being levied. This situation is completely between the owner and the contractor. - How is the amount of the fine determined?
The Glade Springs Village ACC Rules and Regulations booklet spells this out. Monetary amounts are listed in these publications, along with reasons fines can be levied. - When trees on an adjoining property appear dangerous, how is this handled?
We recommend that the homeowner contact the adjoining neighbor about the dangerous situation. If that neighbor has been informed of the potential danger, and damage occurs, that neighbor would likely be responsible. The ACC, nor the POA, has any authority in this area. - Are you allowed to cut trees on your own property before obtaining a permit?
Prior to obtaining a building permit, you can obtain an underbrushing permit. There is a $35 permit fee, and this permit allows you to remove trees under 4” in diameter, but no other trees can be removed. - What about visible garbage cans?
Containers shall be put away, out of sight, until day of pick up. - What authority does the ACC have regarding unkempt lawns and equipment left in the yards?
If the area is an eyesore and is not being kept up, the ACC can notify the owner of the concern. If no action is taken, the POA may take the steps permitted in the Covenants and Restrictions to correct the situation. - What is the policy regarding mailboxes?
Mailboxes must be black or brown in color, on a black or brown post. Other than seasonal decorations, no change in color or style is permitted. - What about animals in the Village?
No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot or parcel of land of the project. Except that dogs, cats and other household pets, which are not considered inherently frightening to the general public may be kept, providing that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purposes. The local Raleigh County Animal Control Board enforces leash law violations. - Who is responsible for “Common Property”?
The POA is responsible for maintaining the Common property. If adjoining property owners want to modify Common Property, they must have an agreement among themselves and also must have written permission from the Glade Springs. - What about RV, golf cart, boat and trailer parking?
No recreational vehicle, motorhome, camper, trailer, boat, boat trailer, ATV, golf cart or other vehicle not normally or customarily used for personal or family transportation shall be parked or stored on the area designed as the yard of a residence, nor shall it be parked on the paved driveway of a residence for a period exceeding 72 hours.