Incorporated in 2001
The Glade Springs Village Property Owners Association (POA) was incorporated in 2001 as a domestic, non-profit corporation in West Virginia. The original developer, Cooper Land Development, Inc., an Arkansas corporation has filed a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Glade Springs Village in order to impose restrictions under a general plan of improvement for the benefit of all the property owners and to establish a method of maintenance, preservation, use and enjoyment of the property. The Declaration is recorded with the Raleigh County, West Virginia Recorder at Book 5004, Page 6485. A copy of the Declaration is available on our owner information page. Justice Holdings, LLC purchased all interest in the POA from Cooper Land Development in October 2010.
Our Declaration
The Declaration sets out restrictions, which have the effect of stabilizing the property value of the lots and establishing a uniform plan of development for the community by ensuring against the establishment of undesirable uses and activities on adjacent lots to the detriment of a purchaser’s enjoyment of his lot or residence. Further, these restrictions, to which every lot and residence is subject to, are mutually enforceable among the property owners. The Glade Springs Village Property Owners Association, Inc., was organized for the purpose of executing these functions. The Glade Springs Village community is within the limits of Raleigh County, West Virginia, and is therefore subject to the codes, ordinances, regulations and rules of the county, which take precedence over the Declaration in the event of conflict.
By virtue of his or her ownership, each property owner in Glade Springs Village becomes a member in the POA and has an easement of enjoyment in all of the common properties and is obligated to pay assessments to the POA.
Common Properties
The common properties are owned by the POA and include the green belts, roads, the Chatham Lake and Stonehaven & Woodhaven golf courses. A general assessment is levied by the Board each year, against each residence or vacant lot, to be used for the purposes of promoting recreation, health, safety, welfare and common benefits and enjoyment of the owners, including the construction and procurement of utility services, facilities and infrastructure and to repay loans from the developer for such purposes. The property owner assessment for July 2019 to June 2020 is $132.37 per month or $1,588.44 annually.